{ "@context" : "https://schema.org", "@type" : "WebSite", "name" : "Moova", "url" : "https://getmoova.app/" }

Escape the sitting habit. For the long run.

Moova is not just about getting fit for a summer body. It’s about counteracting the effects of technology-dependence, sedentary living, and other modern ways of life on our body’s natural need for activity.

Quick Breaks
For Busy Days

Sneak movement into your life with
3 minute Activity Breaks. Customizable to your at-the-moment mood and availability—perfect for even the busiest days.

Expert-Designed For
What Your Body Needs

No more guesswork. Follow 200+ targeted exercises for low-energy, stiffness, aches, and bad posture—simple and effective.

Say Goodbye to
Endless Sitting

Escape sitting all day with scheduled reminders and personalized plans that nudge you toward an active, healthier lifestyle.

Appreciated by experts. Enjoyed by 100,000+.

Moova users across the globe are improving their physical and mental wellbeing with the power of Activity Breaks.

Simple yet powerful.

Moova helps you move through life feeling better, stronger, and more confident than you ever imagined, no matter where you’re starting from.

Simple yet powerful.

Moova helps you move through life feeling better, stronger, and more confident than you ever imagined, no matter where you’re starting from.